Thursday, July 17, 2008

Annual Meeting on My Mind...

Apparently I've got SVP on the brain because the other night, I had a dream about the annual meeting. In my dream, the meeting took place at a campground, with a common cabin with refrigerators for people to store their food in. About 50 people were in attendance. There was a fire pit and that's where all the conversation took place ( pit...I'm thinking bar). J was with me in my dream and he was hanging out with all the other people who were there only to support their partners...including a really tall, thin, beautiful brunette who I did not like.

Jerry Harris, you'll be interested to know that I met you in my dream. You were very nice. In my dream, you were the guardian of the common cabin refrigerators.

Really, the dream was kinda horrible...I mean, J was flirting with another girl and I wasn't registered for the conference and nobody would talk to me.

In reality, I'm just superpsyched about the conference. I can't wait. I'm pretty much wishing for October, which is something you just don't do in Vermont, given that there's only three months of warm weather.

Oh, and Echo tore her ACL. Poor thing was dragging her leg around and howling yesterday morning. I took her to the vet and they gave her some medicine, which, judging by my cat's look of euphoria, I can only imagine was something close to heroin.

She sat in that position for like, 4 full hours without moving. She's doing better today and I'm hoping surgery isn't in the future, or I can kiss the annual meeting goodbye...


Anonymous said...

There was a fire pit and that's where all the conversation took place ( pit...I'm thinking bar). is far more appropriate. Though given the stuff some people put down their gullets and into their pits, "fire" ain't a bad analogy...

J was with me in my dream and he was hanging out with all the other people who were there only to support their partners

In my experience, most of the significant others, if not actually paleontologically-inclined themselves, tend to find better things to do in exotic locales than sit in dark, windowless rooms listening to people read from the Book of Incomprehensible Jargon all day! ;-D

Jerry Harris, you'll be interested to know that I met you in my dream.

Ooo -- was I the tall, hopelessly dashing one? If so, that wasn't me at all.

You were very nice.

Awwww...if you were buckin' for a free drink at SVP, you just earned yourself two!

In my dream, you were the guardian of the common cabin refrigerators.

***flipping through Freud*** lessee..."refrigerators"..."refrig"...try "frig"...uh, nope. I got nothin'.

I mean, J was flirting with another girl and I wasn't registered for the conference and nobody would talk to me.

Dunno 'bout the flirting part, but the other one is not a concern. The problem is getting people to stop talking to you. Or, really, to get yourself to quit talking, too, so you can do other fun things, like sleep.

Hope Echo is better...!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, sorry to hear about Echo's torn ACL. I hope she heals quickly!

I still have no idea if I'm going to make it to the SVP meeting or not. I might have to beg, borrow, and steal to get there, but I'll try my damndest. Maybe if I start walking now I'll get to Cleveland just in time for the start of the meeting...

BTW Precalc is almost over. My final is tomorrow (yikes!) and all I want to do is pass. I definitely think I can do that, but I'm still pretty nervous.

Zach said...

Poor kitty! I hope you'll be able to make SVP, too. I want to meet all my fellow science bloggers!