Saturday, January 17, 2009

The state of my carotid...

I went to see a neurosurgeon last Tuesday and he told me a little more about my aneurysm. It's in the cavernous carotid, which is a good thing because if it were to rupture, it would probably not bleed into my brain. So, not fatal, really. But, if it ruptures, it could cause my eye to swell and pop out a bit from the socket. Think final scene from Total Recall:

So, in a year, they do another CT angiogram to determine if it's growing. And if it is, they want to consider doing a minimally invasive surgery called Coil Embolization, in which they will snake a catheter into my leg and into my blood vessels and then, through that, insert a small coil into the aneurysm. Blood clots will form around the coil, preventing blood from flowing into the aneurysm and therefore releasing the pressure on it.

I'm hoping the aneurysm just stays nice and small. I don't want to have something foreign snaked into my brain through my leg. That sounds horrible. And apparently something like 7% of the procedures require additional surgery or treatment. Not great.

But it could be worse, so I'm pretty happy about the news.


Zach said...

Holy crap, why not just start the catheter a little closer to your aneurysm?!?

dinogami said...

Zach, Zach, poor, repressed thing...this is why they don't start it closer to the aneurysm...

Anonymous said...

The snake through the leg doesn't sound so bad when the other alternative is a craniotomy tho ;) That is assuming that a craniotomy could be done...hmmm I need to do some research.

Love ya :)

Dicing with Dragons said...

Good lord!


That image of Arnie is gross.